Term 4 - Week 4, 2023 - 30.10.2023 - 03.11.2023
Cooks Beach Carnival
Volunteer forms due TOMORROW! Join us to make the Carnival unforgettable!
Text Meredith on 0272239239 if you can help
Board of Trustees Update
The Board is now underway with the appointment process for selecting our new principal. We have been guided by Peter Gall, our Advisor, and have placed an advert and organised an application pack. The position was placed in the Education Gazette on the 18th of October. Interviews will be held on the 6th of December 2023.
Voting for the three vacancies for the BoT is about to commence. We have had a high-quality group of nominations. In line with Board policy the full new Board will be in place and fully involved in the selection process. We have agreed to co-opt former Board member Crystal McGovern to support this process. Crystal is a highly respected teacher and member of our local community. We would like to take this opportunity to thank the former BoT members who have been instrumental in starting this principal appointment process.
The Board would like to acknowledge Eamonn Kelly for his service to Whenuakite School. It is with great respect that we start this appointment process his final term with the school. With the timeline planned, we are hoping to find the right person to start in this position by the beginning of 2024, but we are absolutely aware that it may take longer than this.
We would like to invite you to contribute your thoughts about the leadership qualities and personal characteristics that you as whanau would wish to see in our new leader.
Your feedback, along with staff and students’ will help us to be focused during the appointment process. As a new Board we are committed to representing the interests of our community by staying closely in touch with your aspirations for the school.
The link for the survey is here (and below)
Ngā mihi nui
Whenuakite Board of Trustees
Tumuaki Talk
Kia Ora Whanau
Just when we thought we were done with the wild weather, we have another big wind and rain storm hit us. We will keep an eye on the weather, although look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
Teacher Only Day (T.O.D) - Term 4
The Ministry of Education has allocated schools two teacher-only days (T.O.D.) to be used to support
implementation activities across The New Zealand Curriculum refresh, and assessment systems, in 2023.
Our school will have its second T.O.D. on Friday, 24th November, week 7. Teachers will engage in planning and be given time to strengthen our school curriculum. Students will not attend school on this day.
End of Year Prize Giving:
Please note that on the last day of school, 15 December, we are having our end of year Prize Giving at the Whitianga Town Hall. More information will come home, in due course regarding the end of year events and trips.
Skateboarding Lessons:
We have the Whiti Skate team here this Thursday with Rooms 4 and 5. Please remember, there are no skateboards or gear on the buses.
Nga Mihi
Eamonn Kelly
Week 3 Certificates
Well done to all of the following tamariki who earned a certificate last week. We are very proud of you all.
Room 7:
Hailey Hert, Ashley Grogan
Room 1:
Mariah Baroro, Cohen Ryan, Denny Stephenson
Room 2:
Noah Goodwin, Blake Shipley, Ada Roach, Hazel Matson
Room 3:
Ruby Buchanan, Ana Van Beynen, Beaudyn Yearbury
Room 4:
Nate Walsh, Kelain McDonald, Ella Riedinger, Dashielle Wallace
Room 5:
Wills McGovern, Ruby Olsen and Reiver Wallace
Room 6:
Lucy Bramley, Isla Bowen, River Sims, Karwyn Bahr