Term 4, Week 7 25/11/2024 - 29/11/2024
From the Principal's Desk
Greetings Parents, Caregivers and Whanau, Week 7, Friday 29th of November 2024
On behalf of the BOT sub-committee, I am delighted to share the wonderful news that Cara Till has been appointed as the permanent full-time teacher at Whenuakite School. After careful consideration and a thorough selection process, we are thrilled that Cara will continue with our team on a permanent basis. Cara has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to both her students, colleagues and our school community, and we are confident that her skills, passion, and dedication will continue to make a positive impact on our school. Please join me in congratulating Cara on this well-deserved appointment.
Thanks to everyone for your ongoing support, and let's all celebrate this exciting new chapter for Whenuakite School! I look forward to the continued success and growth for all our students with the great teachers we have!
We have now completed the process of organising classes and teachers in rooms for next year. This means we continue our consistency moving into next year with a very stable team. More information will follow next week on the class your child is in and the teacher and support staff they will be working with.
Nga mihi, Gary Veysi, Principal Whenuakite School -principal@whenuakite.school.nz
Trips to Purangi Estuary and Tairua shore
Its been a busy week with trips for Rooms 1 -5 related to their Inquiry units on sea life cycles. A huge thanks to the teachers for organising the trips and our amazing parents/caregivers for supporting us.
Cooks Beach Carnival
Reminder -Jar Toss at the Cooks Beach Carnival
Please remember to bring along your jars of goodies so we can have awesome results for our Jar toss. Last year we had over 500 jars which was incredible and so contributed greatly to our school's fundraising. We appreciate all your contributions to this fun event. We also have spare empty jars available. There is also an in-school competition where the class with the most jars will receive a prize and HOUSE POINTS given out for best ideas!!!
REMINDER - all Daisy Dung tickets should be returned to the office ASAP. We do have others who can help sell the final few tickets.
Being a K.I.T.E Kid Awards
Certificates presented to: -
- Room 1 - Daisy Land, Willow Frost
- Room 2 - Hailey Hert, Benji Norriss
- Room 3 - Ada McInnes-Brink, Gihansa Perea
- Room 4 - Indi Haywood, Luke Graham, Hazel Matson
- Room 5 - Oscar O'Kane, Ruby Buchanan
- Room 6 - Kassidy Cororan-Hammond, Noa Jensen
- Room 7 - Dakota Corcoran-Hammond, Owen Sims
Principal Awards - Bradley, excellent skills and dedication in athletics.
Beaudyn, has amazing selling skills for Daisy Dung tickets.
Potato in the Bucket Challenge
Potato in the Bucket Challenge
Coming up on 5th December – the great potato weigh in. By now you are possibly thinking “my potato has died” Have no Fear – that is ok.
Just bring your potato in the bucket along to school by 9am on the 5th December (or before and leave by the Activity Room – make sure your name is on the bucket). Please be aware that you cannot bring your potato in the bucket on the bus.
If your potato for some reason has died still bring it to school in the bucket and will empty the contents to hopefully reveal “something”.
For all buckets returned we will swap for a small treat. We are excited to have the Cooks Beach Garden Group coming along to help with our weigh in.
Please send a bag with your child suitable to put their “crop” in. There are no prizes but certificates for largest crop, largest potato, Senior and Junior potatoes.
Thank you for supporting your child with this growing initiative. Our thanks to The Warehouse for sponsoring our potatoes and buckets.
Mr Veysi is supporting the Movember Movement.
Mobile Ear Testing Caravan
In the Lee St Carpark - opposite the Cinema.
Monday 4th November and Monday 16th December 3pm-430pm DROP IN ONLY Tuesday 5th November and Tuesday 17th December 730am-5pm BY APPOINTMENT AND DROP IN CLINIC Wednesday 6th November and Wednesday 18th December 730am1030am BY APPOINTMENT AND DROP IN CLINIC
Please phone 07 838 3565 to book an appt
Lost Property
The Lost Property box is OVER FLOWING! Please look for your belongings before the end of term as it will then be given to charity.
Whenuakite Country Kids
Clothes and Book Sale Fundraiser!
We are holding a clothes and book sale fundraiser at the Cooks Beach Gala on Saturday 4th January and the Hahei Market on Sunday 5th January.
If you or someone you know are planning on doing a pre-summer clear out and you have any clothes or shoes (men’s, women’s and children’s) or any books that you are planning to take to the charity shop between now and Christmas, we would LOVE for you to donate them to us instead. You can make donations directly to the centre any time between now and Wednesday 18th December. All proceeds will go to funding resources for the children.
Ngā mihi, Thanks so much in advance!
Whenuakite Country Kids
Out and about
From the top - The Gaga Pit, Lunch at the park, some extra learning, welcome Westpac Trust helicopter - Thanks!, Setting up at Flaxmill bay, Swimming at Tairua, Nate - Chessy Grinn!, and yes we are away Sailing!
Up and coming events
Week 8
Tuesday 3rd December - Rm 6/7 Beach Trip
Wednesday 4th December - Sailing
Thursday 5th December - Potato in the Bucket Challenge
Friday 6th December - Year 4- 7 students have the opportunity to give speeches for House Group and Student Council for 2025
Week 9
Wednesday 11th December - Year 8's Kayaking trip
Friday 13th December - Our 2024 Student Council and House Captains lunch at "The Family"
Week 10
Wednesday 18th of December - Year 8 speeches/video then trip to Puka Park
Friday 20th of December - Final day and Prizegiving in the Whitianga Hall starting at 9.45am - 12.45pm. This is a formal occasion and farewell. Let's celebrate in style. Congratulations Whenuakite
Football Game
Black Pandas (Year 8's) vs Red Devils (Teachers/staff). A close game with Red Devils winning 2 - 0. Player of the Day going to - Paige. Thanks to our Year 7 umpires.
Aquatic programmes 2025
We have had a great start getting the sailing up and running again in 2024. Next year we will be developing some more aquatic activities for our students throughout the whole school. This starts with our juniors learning the basics of swimming and safety skills (our little nippers). Then in our Year 3-4, we will start developing more water skills and trying some new water adventures. Then we will support our Year 5 -8's with activities like sailing and kayaking. These programmes will need support from parents and funding through sponsorship. We will be applying to help cover costs and if you are a business or group that would like to help we will have sponsorship proposals out soon.